Thursday, January 8, 2009

way out in the water, see it swimmin' ?

So I'm back to California after 20 days of being in Hawaii and let me say it was one of my best trips home so far since living in LA for 3 1/2 years now. I did a lot of relaxing on my mother's floral couch, a lot of family related stress due to a few hospital trips and a secret engagement, as well as dealt with "drama" from friends from highschool (that was actually the low point from the whole trip) but despite the downs I got to spent quality time with close friends as well as with the many dvd's I zoned out to. My FAVORITE thing experienced all break was the aquarium. A friend of ours works there (name will be protected due to the circumstances) on the night shift and therefore, we get to hang there at night. He turns all the tank lights on and we get to hang out with the fishes (seriously, I dreamt about being a mermaid, so this is amazingly fun to me). There's also a room with a projection screen where we play Rockband and then we go on the roof, enjoy some beers and watch the city lights. What more could I ask for?

I claim it as my own, my nest, my cave, mine.

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